Pediatric Dental Sedation

Our top priority is to ensure a safe and positive experience for all our patients. Dental procedures should be as easy as having your teeth cleaned! For some patients who are young, have special healthcare needs, dental anxiety, or need extensive treatment, we offer a few options to maximize comfort during procedures.


Nitrous Oxide – Nitrous Oxide, better known as “Laughing gas”, is a mild form of anesthesia that allows patients to remain fully conscious during treatment. Nitrous oxide gives patients a deep sense of relaxation and calmness. For patients with mild – moderate anxiety, or a severe gag reflex, this can be an effective method for receiving treatment. It is inhaled through a small nasal mask during the procedure. At the end of the procedure, your child will breathe 100% oxygen for 5 minutes. After this, your child will be ready to return to school or other activities that same day.


General Anesthesia – General anesthesia is a deeper form of anesthesia that allows your child to be completely asleep during the entire procedure. In situations where alternative methods like behavior management or nitrous oxide are not successful, general anesthesia is a great option. During the procedure, your child is asleep and monitored by the anesthesiologist and entire sedation team, ensuring the safest environment possible. In recovery, your child will have no memory of the procedure, and all dental treatment will have been completed. Children are ready to return to school the next day.


We partner with Dr. Hanna Kim (Smile Anesthesia) for our patients who require deep sedation. Dr. Kim is a board-certified anesthesiologist, as well as certified in both advanced cardiac life support and pediatric life support.


We require a consultation before scheduling sedation appointments. Please give us a call to set up a consultation with one of our board-certified pediatric dentists!

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